January 14, 2010

This is our decision to live fast and die young.

I got a call today from Kay Jewelers about my necklace i took there about 2 weeks ago. Its not any sort of special necklace just a nice looking gold chain. I need a new ring for the hook to clasp to. i was told it would be a real easy cheap fix so i figure why not, i didnt think it could be fixed. They told me it would cost about $18. I said yeah sure why not. Well they called me today telling me that they also need to replace all these other parts too! I had no idea what they were but i was sure they didnt need to be, the lady also mentioned it was going to have to be soldered. The total was would come to $100. That necklace isnt even worth that much! I was really mad about this. I waited 2 weeks to find out you want to charge me for all this other shit. So as soon as i get it back i am going to go to a local jeweler hopefully they can fix what needs to be and not be screwing with me. 

The painters were back today, not sure what time they got here (i slept in late). But they started painting the corners and edge's. They did a lite coat also. The color is a bright yellow! Its a nice color but way to bright and not the place to have such a bright color. Oh well. I heard the one guy burp again, it was pretty loud. What did he do after? Just laughed at himself. I noticed when leaving later tonight down the hall across me that there was a big smiley face painted on the wall where they were painting the edges. If this was my place and i saw that i would be pissed.

After leaving i went to the college to eat in the cafeteria (don't know why). In there i saw a few people i knew and they had there books and stuff for class. It sucked seeing that cause it reminded me that i screwed up and was kicked out.

I went to Meijers a couple hours ago to get some food. Plus i was bored so i wanted to just walk around. Walking through the food isle's was so hard because i wanted everything. I wanted to buy a bunch of stuff and go home and cook up a feast! But, thats not a good idea. I dont want to waste lots of money, just i don't eat much through the day so at night all my hunger hits me and i end up eating before bed and its not healthy to do so. (not that i am healthy, just saying) The pictures they have on the boxes of food looks so yummy, it makes me miss home too. I always ate good when i was at home. My mom is an amazing cook. So is my dad a bit. But what i really miss is my grandma's cooking! OH MY. Thats just the best. Let me paint you a little picture to help explain. She is this sweet little old Italian lady from Jersey. She wasn't a chef or anything, she was a school teacher. So she always corrects our grammar. Well she has tons of these old recipes from her mother and grandmother. They are just amazing Italian food. She doesn't let anybody have the recipes, almost like a secret. She loves to cook and bake. Its almost like she is the chef and my grandpa is the line cook. She always has him do the time consuming stuff. She used to have a little sign we got her saying, "Grandma's kitchen serves milk and cookies anytime." It describe her so well. When your over for dinner its like she never sits down. Always running in to the kitchen to get something. Then she likes to kinda force more food on your plate always making you take the last piece or something. Almost like she is trying to fatten us up haha. Then after dinner when we are in the other room she doesn't let anyone help her with the dishes she says she likes doing them.

So tomorrow I am going out to dinner with my friend Hilary. She is taking me to La Senorita, since i have never been and she owes me for all the stuff she makes me buy from her at her work.

I am getting somewhat sick of the snow. I love it don't get me wrong just i don't like how during the winter months its so cloudy and overcast out. I think i just miss the sun. I also want it to be warm out so i can go for a bike ride! I miss riding so much. I ride when i go to the gym but its just not the same. Being able to feel the breeze, weaving in and out between cars, going by the really fast. Or always a good head turner is when you balance yourself with out taking your feet off the pedals next to the car at a stop light. Plus its just so much more economic. I hardly drive my car unless i need to go far or carry heavy stuff.

This is our decision, to live fast and die young.
We've got the vision, now let's have some fun.
Yeah, it's overwhelming, but what else can we do.
Get jobs in offices, and wake up for the morning commute.
Time to Pretend by, MGMT

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