January 13, 2010

Lets give it a shot.

So i have noticed a few people starting to blog. I'm not expecting anyone to reads this, its more or less me just getting some things off my mind. Hopefully this will help relieve the stress.

So A new semester started on Monday. Unfortunately I am not attending any classes this semester. I have slacked off too much and got away with it. Now i face my consequences. I have been suspended from academics for one semester. It was really hard to cope with when i found out. It hurt, and it hurt to know how many people i let down. Family, friends, teachers, co-workers, bosses, even worse i let my self down. I was able to try to appeal it, i chose to try and do so, not because i felt that i didn't deserve it but because i am afraid of not coming back. I wrote a letter to the registrar. Pretty much pleading my case and asking for one more chance. Along with it i had to get a instructor to give me another chance as well. It was a great letter and reasoning but not good enough. My culinary director (the instructor i choose) he felt that i should step back and take a look at my priorities. So here i am not attending classes, it's hard to get on facebook and see my friends statuses as, gone to class, or class till... I regret being a slacker for so long. So over this break i will be changing, changing a lot, hopefully for the better. I am going to go back through my books read up on things now that i have the time. I don't want to become lazy like some people do when they take a break from school. I plan on trying to increase my hours more (not easy since we are in such a slow season), if i can't get more hours maybe getting a second job as well. I do not want to become lazy. I am going to go to the gym everyday or at least every other day. Keeping fit and healthy. So once i am able to attend classes again in the summer i will be ready!

Christmas break wasn't to bad. It was nice to be done with that semester of school. I was able to relax a bit with out a huge load of stress on my back. I went home for the week of Christmas to see my family and just to enjoy it. I was so happy to be home with my family and being able to see there faces (since we are all spread out living so far apart). I could have cared less about getting presents and gifts. I was just happy to be home. I knew my mom would be really happy to have all her kids under one roof again =) My favorite time is when we are all sitting in the kitchen or TV room together and just talking about whatever, even if we are making fun of each of it just makes me so happy to be around everyone. But after being home for awhile bits of drama a rise, but that's just life. Sometimes it just gets really old i wish we could just sent our problems aside and enjoy each other company without arguing about money, housing, jobs, etc...

Some more things i would like to rant about...

I love my apartment. But i hate the complex. It's a great location, right smack downtown Traverse. Work is right across the street which means i don't have to drive. I don't have to worry about the street not being plowed or the sidewalks shoveled. Plus i can see the bay from my bed room! But the complex is as great. The furniture is old and kinda shitty. My landlord is really up-tight. Never seen him smile! He has been renovating rooms when they are vacant up dating them (which is good) but the people he hires to do them are really unprofessional. They don''t do the greatest job. Currently the room next to me is being done. They ripped up the carpet to put down the fancy looking wood. (I have no idea what its called the shiny, look like wood flooring that's put in like tile sort of haha) They also repainted the room from white to like a calm green. Well they started that about a month ago. He now has them painting the walls of the hallway before finishing that room. Personally i would get the rooms done first so then you could have to occupied or ready to be giving you more of an income, then working on the hallways. Well the guys that are doing the halls are probably really nice cool guys but they give off the look like they are ex-convicts and hillbillyish. One guy wheres a tank top has plenty of tattoos (nothing wrong with that, but there are some that you can tell aren't done professionally). This guy is always really messing looking too. He also is missing some teeth in the front. But hey maybe he cant afford good dental, has some bad looking tats and doesn't dress the greatest. What really got me was hearing him talk to his partner while working outside my room. He burps pretty loud, doesn't excuse himself just laughs about it. His partner said it smelt really funky and asked if he farted, he responds with, "no cause if i did you would have heard it or hear me laughing about it." Really? was that necessary. Another thing about the people my landlord hires to do things take there dear sweet time to do the projects. You might think they would start on it Monday morning after the weekend, nope. Tuesday? Nope. Finally Wednesday they come in. They only work for about 4 hours and then they are done, they leave the place messy, some nails on the ground room numbers just laying there. Some garbage too. Maybe it's just me but i don't think that how you should act or leave your workplace.

I know this was a long one but i had to get a lot off my back feels good to have done so too.

I listened to the album Greetings from Michigan - The Great Lakes State by Sufjan Stevens
. It was a good album liked it a lot. Kind of made me want to go out and explore Michigan some more.

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